You can become a builder of our
Sweet, Sweet Home! 

Sweet, Sweet Home at Księży Młyn 
- second edition

On June 27, 2021, with information about the ongoing campaign "Wyjątkowi dla Wyjątkowych," we were at Księży Młyn in Lodz, where the 2nd Antiques Fair, Handicrafts, and Applied Arts took place. Our employees met many Unique people that day. We would like to thank everyone very much.

Builders of Sweet, Sweet Home-
Exceptional Run

On June 20, 2021, the first of three charity runs to complete the construction of the Sweet, Sweet Home took place.

Radio Eska about the Exceptional Run

Radio Eska - once again about our activities. This time about the Exceptional Run.

Sweet, Sweet Home at Księży Młyn

On May 30, 2021, at Księży Młyn in Lodz, we took part in the 1st, edition of the Antiques Market, Handicrafts and Applied Arts. There are a lot of Unique people and beautiful things, just look for yourself.

Sweet, Sweet Home on a neighborhood picnic

On May 28, 2021, we were at the Tuvim Library, where the Neighborhood Picnic was held, with information about the project and the campaign. See what a wonderful place it is and how many attractions for children around

Radio Lodz about the Sweet, Sweet Home May 24, 2021

"Rynek Zdrowia" about the Sweet, Sweet Home April 26, 2021

DPS about the Sweet, Sweet Home

DPS May 06, 2021

Sweet, Sweet Home on the radio

Radio Eska May 05, 2021 at 16:45

Sweet, Sweet Home on Television:

Daily News from Lodz on 05 May, 2021 at 18:30

Sweet, Sweet Home in the newspaper:

A unique place for the mentally ill is being created in Lodz. "Tailored care"